The Quirindi Advocate was first published in 1901. The Advocate covers news and features on politics, business, economics, agriculture, education, tourism and events across Quirindi, Werris Creek, Currabubula, Willow Tree, Wallabadah, Murrurundi and surrounds. We encourage you to send us press releases, photographs or articles of interest to consider for inclusion in the paper.
Published every Wednesday, the paper is available from local newsagents or delivered by post to subscribers. Our circulation is approximately 1850, reaching people in the local area and extending to Gunnedah, Scone and Tamworth, where the paper is also available for purchase. Copies are sent to subscribers in Sydney, Newcastle, Perth, Hong Kong and London, as well as many places in NSW.
We offer display advertising throughout the paper in mono and full colour, and a comprehensive range of classified advertising options including Ted’s Town Trader, The Service Directory and a general classifieds section. Please call us to discuss rates, deadlines and material requirements.
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